just a poem i just wrote. thinking way back.

Dream Girl

There is only one thing that races through my mind at night.
That one thing is contemplated until the last second I am awake.

But, then again, that is the first and last thing I dream about.
In spite of everything that has not been going my way,

I still deserve the one special gift every man wants and needs;
His one and only dream girl.

A person with big dreams, and huge goals,
Deserves for their heart to be cured of all pains and tears.

And every night I dream for that one girl that will make heaven wait.

As I look into your eyes, seeing heaven ahead of time,
As I kiss your lips that taste sweeter than the sky,

As I breathe in your presence that makes me feel like I am in heaven,
I realize everything but all, that my dream has been realized,

And my odysseys have been closed and have been put to a stop.

And finally, I can say that I have found my

Dream Girl

Poetry by Love Knight
Read 1180 times
Written on 2006-10-29 at 23:38

Tags Dream  Girl 

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