one person that loves another person is become one...


When for the first time I had met you,
we were two separate hearts,
now I feel related to you,
after a couple of days I knew
we weren't going to stay apart.

My heart aches for every time you cry.
My eyes know when you cry, they feel far from dry.
Whatever your heart feels, mine feels, and I am not lying,
I' m being real. My words are true because they come from a real,
true heart.

Two becoming one so we are never far.
Our hearts are one,
fused together in the name of love and its dedication.
Never has a person like me had a person like you,
not in a past million generations.

Two becoming one was one of the most
optimistic things that has happened in my lie.
What flies is time, so never tell times with your eyes.
We are never out of each others presence.
Two becoming one is one thing more from

God, one more gift, one more present.

Poetry by Love Knight
Read 969 times
Written on 2006-10-31 at 23:54

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This shows your formula of love. Isn't it?
But always remember that the variable you could replace aside of all the numbers of your God. Continue to write like these beautiful poems...

Kathy Lockhart
Your love for your sweetheart is bountiful and beautiful. You show such a deep understanding of what love is all about. I have been to many weddings where two candles are lit with one unlit candle in the middle of them. The bride and groom go to their individual candle light their long matches and then walk to the center unlit candle and together light it from the flames from the single candles. It is a sweet symbol of just what you are speaking about in this poem.