Desire, sometimes is so intense; you want to be one with your beloved
Oneness, sometimes is so complete; it's painfully ecstatic, even spiritual
You are so elated, you feel as light as a cloud; yet strangely enough
You are left craving for more...

Sometimes I Feel I am a Cloud

Sometimes I feel, I am a cloud
Roaming over hill and dale
Deep, undulating valleys
With great ease I scale
Swoop down & imperceptibly,
Creep into your home and hearth
Mingle with every breath of yours,
And reach your soul and heart
Delve into the deep recesses
Of your mind, my paramour!
Steal that pearl of wisdom,
And speak out from your tongue
Find that smile of joy,
And play upon your lips
Absorb those tears of agony,
Linger a while on your lashes,
And become the rain that washes
The sorrows of your heart...

Sometimes I feel, upon
The horizon of your being,
I am that very cloud...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh, UP, India

Photo by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1893 times
Written on 2005-10-07 at 19:48

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Sandy Hiss
Lovely, heartfelt words Zoya. I'm always amazed at the beauty I find in a cloud. It's indescribable.

Kathy Lockhart
What a romantic, passionate, metaphor! Zoya you and nature are truly one! :)))))) kathy

I like this one which reminds of both Dylan Thomas (Under Milkwood) and Rabindranath Tagore, two of my favourite writers.

This is not a poem- this is a painting! Painted in such beautiful colors...

"Mingle with every breath of yours,
And reach your soul and heart"


John Ashleigh
Having an easy life is like having a soft and easy ride.

I can deffinetly see your message, and i love this poem!

Great effort Zoya! 5!

Zoya Zaidi
Thanks KJC, for that beautiful write!
Rabidranath Tagore has said:
"Clouds come floating into my life,
No longer to carry rain or usher storm,
But to add colour to my sunset sky..."
Yes! Clouds are very important to us.

Very well done--I can see the images as I read your words!

A nice inlook and identification with the cloud. Something of the classics.

You write wonderfully! You have the necessary skill to put in frame what you have in your mind.

We are from the same sub-continent.........

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
dark clouds, light clouds, mingling with our breath, seeking out our lungs. a perfect partnership, we make them with our breath or help make them and they wash our bodies with water.

"steal the pearl of wisdom"; Beautiful! Desire: lust or love? Breath taking poem. I can totaly attest to this. Very well written.

What a beautiful, beautiful text about longing!