Hahaha, hehehe, hihihi *LOL*LOL*LOL*
This is from anTextgenerator on my computer.
Have a nice day!!! Dan.

Speedy Novell

Try to catch this!

One obese bureau tickled two silly dwarves.
Umpteen irascible bureaux tastes two extremely
progressive wart hogs. The Macintosh kisses
one botulism, yet irascible cats telephoned one
speedy bureau, because umpteen dogs marries
two botulisms, although the sheep grew up.
Two dwarves cleverly tastes umpteen progressive
sheep, even though two purple poisons sacrificed
umpteen dogs. Five putrid botulisms laughed
comfortably. Schizophrenic cats kisses five slightly
silly dwarves. Umpteen trailers cleverly towed five
irascible bureaux, however obese Macintoshes
perused Minnesota. Umpteen schizophrenic
fountains gossips partly drunkenly.

Two progressive televisions quickly sacrificed
Mercury, and one irascible sheep marries the
orifices. Obese Klingons quite cleverly tastes
five aardvarks. Two progressive cats towed
umpteen Macintoshes. Two wart hogs noisily
perused Tokyo, but one trailer marries five partly
irascible Jabberwockies, and umpteen aardvarks
gossips, but two elephants kisses schizophrenic
Klingons. Five lampstands ran away. Putrid dwarves
quickly perused two bourgeois pawnbrokers, because
Darin laughed. Silly poisons cleverly marries the mats.
Paul perused one quite bourgeois poison, then five
wart hogs slightly lamely towed purple pawnbrokers,
but two lampstands grew up annoyingly, and the trailers
ran away.

Two silly dwarves tastes one irascible dog, but
Phil mostly easily abused the subways. Macintoshes
sacrificed Kermit. Five pawnbrokers ran away, however
one very silly poison perused the partly schizophrenic
chrysanthemum. One mostly silly dog marries the partly
bourgeois botulism.

Umpteen progressive sheep kisses Springfield, yet one
obese dwarf perused Santa Claus.
Umpteen Jabberwockies sacrificed the mostly progressive

Pluto drunkenly tastes one quixotic fountain. The aardvark
cleverly untangles one progressive Macintosh, because
the televisions grew up easily. Almost quixotic wart hogs
laughed quite lamely.

Umpteen bureaux marries Springfield, and two Jabberwockies
comfortably telephoned the purple poisons, but two very putrid
dwarves drunkenly tastes five chrysanthemums, even though
umpteen dogs towed two pawnbrokers.

Five obese wart hogs lamely kisses umpteen fountains, but one
lampstand easily sacrificed the partly quixotic pawnbrokers. Five
orifices tickled one mostly obese pawnbroker. Two silly tickets
telephoned umpteen almost putrid cats, however one aardvark
tastes Pluto. Two televisions bought five chrysanthemums.
Umpteen elephants annoyingly kisses one dwarf, because
purple elephants laughed. One aardvark extremely cleverly
towed the Jabberwocky. One television sacrificed umpteen
pawnbrokers, even though five very angst-ridden Jabberwockies
comfortably tastes umpteen pawnbrokers. Two elephants
telephoned pawnbrokers.

Two purple orifices tastes one putrid bureau. Five purple
Macintoshes fights two obese dogs. Five almost irascible
elephants kisses the aardvarks. Orifices lamely marries
five tickets, however Phil annoyingly tastes one orifice.
Five progressive sheep easily perused two poisons.
Umpteen partly schizophrenic wart hogs laughed almost

The dogs untangles one Jabberwocky, but two
chrysanthemums cleverly towed five fountains. Elephants
untangles five bureaux. Umpteen speedy dogs towed the
quite obese orifice, although two quixotic chrysanthemums
tastes umpteen extremely bourgeois Jabberwockies.
Five slightly irascible televisions kisses Macintoshes,
because five putrid wart hogs grew up.

One trailer annoyingly marries almost silly televisions, then
umpteen partly progressive trailers noisily bought two aardvarks,
because Dan extremely drunkenly perused umpteen bourgeois
lampstands. Tickets untangles two quite silly elephants.
Umpteen mats auctioned off the wart hog, yet five Jabberwockies
sacrificed umpteen schizophrenic Macintoshes, because two mats
auctioned off five slightly silly orifices. Very putrid pawnbrokers
towed Mark. Umpteen progressive mats laughed slightly cleverly,
however five Klingons towed almost quixotic fountains. One ticket
drunkenly auctioned off umpteen fountains.

Five speedy subways untangles mostly obese trailers, but one
extremely progressive sheep abused five slightly speedy dogs,
then umpteen elephants extremely noisily sacrificed this ending.

Short story by Dan Cederholm
Read 652 times
Written on 2006-11-11 at 18:33

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Excuse me? ? ? My head is still spinning! Where am I who am I? Can I speak english? *lol*