Inspired by the brouhaha over Madonna, the pop star, adopting a Malawian child David Banda.

Madonna and the Child

Madonna and the Child-
The Rich and the Poor,
Strong, bold and beautiful,
Weak, hungry and the destitute-
Two Worlds apart;
Two Worlds coming together;
Or falling apart?

Propaganda, politics
Or pure act of humanity
of a human heart?

On the one hand is
The overfed, gorging on high calories,
the opulent 'civilized' world;
On the other, the undernourished,
AIDS-ridden, starving world.

On the one hand
Excess crops are destroyed,
To avoid the prices of grains from going down,
On the other,
not enough grows, crops fail,
Rains are scarce, famine all year round...

Would it matter if the two worlds
Came together on some ground?

They say the child should stay
In his own environment, in his own town,
As if he is an endangered species-
An elephant or a lion cub,
Who would not survive in another habitat?
Who would better stay
in his own Savannah to survive-
A conservationist's stance!

They say
it is better he stays with his father-
a father who cannot feed him?
Who left him in the institute for the destitute
So that he can be fed,
An institute already overflowing
With teaming millions of orphaned children,
Who lost their parents to disease,
AIDS, wars, ethnic conflicts or famine...

They say it is a publicity stunt-
I say, even if it is, then
of all the publicity stunts
that Madonna, the pop star,
has resorted to in the last 25 years
(and she has resorted to many bizarre ones)
I think this is the most humane one...

They say it is not enough,
What about the other 48 million,
Languishing in those institutions?
What is the harm, I say,
Even a drop in the ocean is enough-
Wouldn't a thousand million such drops together
Make a river of humanity flow?

I would rather wish, this went out as
a message to the rest of the world-
Let every German, Scandinavian or American,
Adopt an orphaned child from
Dafter, Malawi, or Cape Town...

In fact I would like to dream
still further and wish
that let every rich, well fed nation
adopt a poor nation of the 'developing' world-

Say goodbye to starvation,
Disease and war...
Let the two worlds come together-
And not fall apart...

Let there be no war, no disease, no starvation-
Let there be peace, progress and healthy nations...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 906 times
Written on 2006-11-16 at 23:07

Tags Humanity 

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Who are you if you cannot do the first thing you were ever taught, to share!!!

I don't like Madonna, but I think as far as publicity, like you said, this is humane and atleast she is going to make that little guy's life fantastic. He is a lucky one! Can you imagine if every rapper, singer, actor/actress would just reach into their pockets and sponser children, build a school or hospital in poor regions of the USA ( Appalacias, etc) and Worldwide?!?! Can you imagine how different things could be? 1 millions dollars each from every last one of them ( which is nothing to them in the long run) could help so much..ah, to be rich and have all the power to help, and not to do so is sickening! So I offer my prayers because that is all I have! EXCELLENT poem, really bring the downtrodden to life through your caring words!

I agree.. wholly. Did someone spare some newsprint to cover the story of how many more such children need a home? In a country like Malawi, where there is no money for anyone to donate, if one child is taken care of, it means food for another...

Ah, but then we will never understand the idiosyncrasies of the media or the people. I suppose it is unfair of me to say so, but I have seen that happening before too. Anyone remember the football world cup?

Sandy Hiss
I agree with what you've said here too....there's far too much suffering in the world, something's got to change.

Kathy Lockhart
I am thankful for the rescue of any poor and starving soul. I believe this child will be blessed. There is a song we sung at my high school graduation and your poem's message reminded me of it. Here are the lyrics.

"Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me
Let this be the moment now.
With every step i take
Let this be my solemn vow.
To take each moment
And live each moment
With peace eternally.
Let ther be peace on earth,
And let it begin with me.

Love you Zoya. Kathy

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
another lovely flowing informative text from you

and so you well done

rgds mike xxxx