Our inner landscape is often reflected in the outer landscape
The same landscape, when we are gloomy, looks blue
When happy, sunny and bright
Our moods colour our perceptions...


Misty evening
Sparkling mountain spring
Setting sun
Scarlet hues
Lone log cabin
Valley blue
Crackling yellow flames
I alone
Besides the hearth
Waiting with abated heart
A knock
Slipping over stairs of Time
Quivering lips
Trembling hearts
Unfolding mysteries of past

Just this longing
Moments drowning with the heart
On a foggy night
Along with the setting sun
I drown in the sea of Time
Hope was never mine

Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright © Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2009 times
Written on 2005-10-11 at 02:54

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It left me with a feeling of actually floating on the fog.. just dreaming away into nothing..

yet more great imagery.i love it.
love angel.

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Images and emotions painted with such ease. A sense of longing delightfully delivered to the heart.

You write exquisitely.

This is beautiful. A landscape I would really like to see, although the ending is somewhat sad. This ending reminds me of the feeling going back home from a holiday, somewhere where everything was beautiful and serene.

wonderful words , they said it all,I salute you,,Eddy

Black Knight
I don't know as somebody else, but I found here serenity and pacifications.

Oh wow--this is so emotional and beautiful--What a great image--You are so talented!!!

that was awsome you must have alot of things on your mind when you wrote thiis one it wa awsome

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i couldnt agree with you more on that... moods certainly influence our perceptions on things, for sure... your poem is beautiful yet theres a hint of sorrow... the last line, hope was never mine... that digs in a heart a bit... i really felt like i was in that moment with the descriptions you provide... a clear picture comes to mind... my second read by you and i really enjoyed... thanks for sharing :f

later... xx

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
a fast paced reading, the only issue i have really is capitilisation of time in the poem. but i am picky with such things. personally i think the poem would look much better without the capital t. colours, yes, they are shades of mood, look at funerals and weddings for example, with the sad time, black is used, with the light, white. hope, it is always within us, whether we realise it or not.

I love it, what a mixture of senses you create in the reader.

You've taken fragments and put them together in a beautiful unity. Great! And of course, the longing which pervades the whole speaks directly to my heart.

Yes, this is a poem where compressed intensity and the beauty of words could go on harping on the strings of the human mind. So fresh and so pathatic it is that it enthralls my reading of it. Anyway, I will not say it is "murky" because my honesty tells that it is far from that. Thanks...