Once my dear departed friend Joshua had said: “I will look at the Moon and think of you tonight”. The foundation of this poem was laid then. Tonight it can relate to any one. We can all think of each other tonight…

I Will Think of You Tonight

I will look at the moon tonight
And think of you my knight.
Ride the stars, ride the moon-
the entire universe in my flight.

I will think of you tonight….

I will roam the cyber space,
Send my soul your way-swift pace,
Be a part of cosmic mace,
Float in the celestial infinite,

I will think of you tonight…

Borrow the glow from Milky Way,
On the Pluto’s eight moons sway,
Planet, no planet, by me its okay,
Rare will be my sojourn this night

I will think of you tonight…

I am no more far away-
Just a click of ‘mouse’ away;
Rest our imagination will take care,
Intermingle with the ‘Great Bear’
Constellations will be our neighbours tonight

I will think of you tonight…

You also send your spirit in space,
We will meet with infinite grace:
Back and forth in Time we will sway,
Our meeting will be the ‘Big Bang’ way,
You, like ‘Hailey’s Comet’ strike,
I will be the ‘Supernova’ bright,

Let us think of each other tonight…

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 2066 times
Written on 2006-11-19 at 13:37

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munir mezyed
I love this journey, a journey to the celestial world; this makes your poem as special because it is very vivid, full of emotion, simply is the journey of the mind ...
Munir Mezyed

Zoya Zaidi
'Did you think of me tonight?
You my friend with the soul infinite,
Did you think of me to night?
You look at the moon with me,
Ride the Milky Way with me,
I'll meet you in the space tonight-
Let us think of each other tonight...'

(((Hugs dear She for that lovely comment)))
Love, Zoya

There is something nostalgic in this whole poem that makes me think of a soul that was so similar to others I know...."I will think of you tonight"...brings a feeling of a worthy friend,one who took his time off to marvel at nature and think of another.....the imageries you have used in totality make it more real,to think of riding up in space....I just dont think I can really explain what it makes me feel...that I guess is teh beauty in it:)

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Arti, these lines in themselves are poetry!
So who is a poet, you or I?
Who is beauty, you or I?
Who is it that glows, you or I?
Beauty and poetry are the same-
And that beauty is within you!
They are separated by each other by infinity-
and that infinity resides in you!
My dear one, it is an old saying:
'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder',
so it is you who see, what you want to see in me...
It is you, your beauty that sees beauty in me...

((((Big Fond Hugs))))
Love, Zoya

Zachary P. B.
zoya, wow this is really beautiful. i really connect to it, i know there was a time in my life when all i did was look at the moon.. a magical thing it is, and being able to remember good times... thank you for this, this magic and beauty.. wow.


Your dedication truly brings tears to these tough and fierce eyes, Bravo, Bravo!!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
and dearest Zoya I think of you very often you are a kind and generous lady rgds Mike a lovley poem

Sweet Zoya, I think of you tonight as I read you. I dont agree with you on only one point - we dont need to borrow glow from the Milky Way. Just having you around is glow enough... a happy, caring, loving glow alive with beauty and poetry. Perhaps beauty and poetry are one and the same, perhaps they are separated by infinity, but they come together in your heart.

Zoya Zaidi
I am just posting thisfor Dan... it iso beautiful!

Yes you have so right in that (hehehe).

Our bodies, spirit and soul are one . . .
our sword is the words and our shield is the paper . . .
. . . from the tree of life. . .

Hugs to you dear Zoya, you are wise!!! Dan.

it's magic . . . it's magically beautiful :)

this was a beautiful melody of such care love and devotion..
just a click of a mouse AWAY!! loved how you brought all together and I will think of you tonight my dear friend from afar:)))
lovely read how we are all together in spirit..

hugs to you

Zoya Zaidi
Our souls will take flight tonight,
Me and you in the infinite,
We will dance the celestial dance,
You and me in an enchanted trance,
Rare will our meeting tonight,
All there, yet nowhere in sight,
We will meet in spirit tonight,
We will think of each other to night...
And when you will see my face in the stars,
Tell me did hear my song, the song of the Lark?

((Hugs Kathy))
To night all soul sister shall meet in spirit, and all soul brothers too... Lol!
Love, Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
Our spirits dancing together face
each other as our souls embrace
I am free in flight, awashed in air
stripped of emcumbrances
only ouselves we share
together with a billion flames
across the universe wild and untamed
we will live on an eternal spacial plane
It is we the children of heart and grain.

Love your soul Zoya! your sister, Kathy

Mukul Dahal
What a sing song emotion. It's a perfect love song. How much I enjoyed, I can't tell. Simply superb.

Malin Johansson
This one is so beautiful...
Very heartfelt

Dan Cederholm

Oh sorry i just forgotte . . .



night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
"Our meeting will be the 'Big Bang' way"When the birth cry of the cosmos will be heard !

"Let us think of each other tonight..." Yes... Let's meet tonight under orions sword where the stars are born!

Thank you for this peaceful poem!Thank you, thank you my soul sister :)

Dan Cederholm

Hello Zoya!!! This poem is wonderful!!!

This is eternity with a touch of space

windows... and we can go to our beloved

in space and time...

"You also send your spirit in space,
We will meet with infinite grace:
Back and forth in Time we will sway,
Our meeting will be the 'Big Bang' way,
You, like 'Hailey's Comet' strike,
I will be the 'Supernova' bright,"

I just love these lines!!!

All the best to you Zoya, Dan
