Based on a title by Bjork!!!

Violently Happy

The only truth that lies upon you is your reflection,
Because you can't run and obviously you can't hide,
But one day and one day only,
Maybe you can get the point,
The marches of the people,
Always want to get ahead,
They'll lie, they'll cheat and they'll steal,
The soul is not sold but it's not getting something healthy either,
And yet, there is a smile,
Of Happiness surrounded by contradictions,

Shiny shoes that do nothing,
Superior statues that do the same,
That we make,
With every strong and foundating little lie,
We give them not power,
But a little bit of something we fought for so dear,
Ideas, Freedom, Sensibility, Intelligence,
But we still shine the shoes,
Build the lies up, brick by brick,
And the end result,
There is never no peace of mind,
When you choose to live in the lie,

Once, we raised fists,
Now, we raise guns,
We sing about it, talk about it,
Even Moses carries one,
With hopefully a valid permit,
There is never no reason for violence,
And now, we give that phrase a whole new meaning,
A hate that escalates,
A desperation never fufilled,
All we do is fill up the water to postpone,
Whatever it is we won't expose,
Because it shows true colors,
Because it shows no control,
Because it shows that we are angry,

At the dinner table, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry we don't talk anymore,
Maybe we need or want something more,
Than the things we bought for us,
We look elegant, but we feel convicted,
There was a hug that became a nod,
A touch that became a point of direstion,
And now there's once was a kiss,
That became a false move,
And yet, we smile,
We have fake conversations of how-to-do,
As our eyes get cloudy,
Because the dance gets old,
And the reflections become real,

Slipping through our grasps,
Slipping through our fears,
We are truly Happy,
Violently Happy,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 692 times
Written on 2006-11-20 at 06:00

Tags Violently 

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Kathy Lockhart
I love your philosphy. It expands, it enlightens, it creates, it reveals, it encourages, it builds, it is positive, it is reflecting. It is all this and it is so much more. I am so glad you contribute to the well-being of who we are as a people, a society.

Your words you write..your expressions you pen!!
mindful of plays you give as I have a rare talent
the way you write....I do see:))
loved this read ..bookmarked for sure

great write! Amazing thoughts.

Rate: 5

Great poem, great song :)