
Scream at me as loud as you can,
A whisper it is to my ear,
Slap me over the head with a brick,
Then call me dusty brains,
Pierce my cheecks with needles,
I stay soft as a pincushion
Poetry interpreted as mind games,
Strengthen my endless flames,
Look closely through your window,
As I wander under streetlights,
Be scared at night in bed,
I'm the feather within your sheets,
The palm of my hand contains a lightning orb,
I'll blast bad thoughts into oblivion,
Shattering that what you hate so much,
Then make you smile and hate the grudge,
Do not be frightened too touch my soul,
Too step into a new dimension,
Your words flooded me like an avalanche,
Brain freeze, why won't you save me??
I'll snap and turn the world for you,
Carry it for you like Atlas,
Call me the mystical man who hides in shadows,
Does not show his face in public,
Too ugly for the world to see,
Hidden in his clocktower,
Alone with his words and swords,
Wishing for eternal happiness,
Within' his grasp and yet so far,
He'll wound himself and leave a scar,
And so am I, we unite as one,
Both carrying the same burden,
He who is not affraid to speak,
And I, who's terrified to talk,
He who floaths between two lakes,
And I, who drown without sympathy,
I would be able to grab you with two hands if not with one,
But when reaching out I get pulled back, elastic like a bungee,
Therefor my hands stay rough,
In wait for the touch of your soft skin,
Call me twisted,
But take a look at both sides,
Is there no reason for me to hide?

Poetry by Catacomb Villain
Read 920 times
Written on 2006-11-21 at 21:41

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I won't call you twisted, besides I kinda like twisted sometimes.
Interesting and always extrodinary.

keith nunes
haunting and hounding and true words spoken