Picture copyright protected by Dan Cederholm

The brilliant flight of the Laughing Gull

The place were the laughing gull’s seeking their food

the flight of the Black Cape riding the waves is so cool

moving their wings emotionally together and laughing

.................and dancing over the sea level so smoothly

A flock of Laughing gull’s is dancing in the sky, thy

bodies jumping up and down, lifted by their wings high

the creators ballet acting in black and white so tight

Overwhelmed by The art of performing and the play,

I wrote these words from my mind just to say:

...........................exhilarate, astounding and brilliant

...........................they are the Kings and the Queens

...................................of the roaring sea, at the bay!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1286 times
Written on 2006-11-24 at 14:31

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