This the next in our Elements challenge- Wind /Air

PERSEVERENCE (The Wind and I)-Zoya- Aliena-Elements Challenge-WIND

Isn't it interesting that the wind can make
For thousands of miles in a desert,
By constantly blowing in a certain direction,
Interesting patterns in the sand,
Giving the illusion of waves of water in the vast expanse
In the dry barren desert without a drop of moisture...

The same wind blows for thousands of years,
And makes a hole in the solid rock-

The formless, shapeless, colourless, invisible wind
Can bore holes in impregnable rock,
By simply blowing consistently, perseveringly, powerfully,
For thousands of years at a stretch...

The formless, shapeless, colourless, odourless, invisible wind...

My soul too is formless, shapeless, colourless, odourless, and invisible like the wind...

Can my soul make a hole of love
in the rock-hard heart of humanity?

Can it arrange the hot sands of the World
to become a cool Sea?
The same wind when hot rises above the earth,
Reaches the sky, cools down to become the fluffy cloud,
Pour down and cool the very ground from whence it had risen,
And get absorbed by it to cool its hot being...

Can my soul rise above the fire of my own misery?
Purge and cool, become a cloud, high in the sky,
Can it fall like a cooling rain on the parched souls of the world?
Can it cool the scorched brow of troubled, sleepless souls?
I don't know,
But I can try
Like the mighty wind for thousands of years...
When I am gone,
My words will go on...
My words will persevere...
In black ink...
Only if...?

Author: Zoya Zaidi
©: Zoya Zaidi

Ohh! The Art of Flight

whirling in
the peering sun.
Embraced, you smile.
In the golden dust dance
of atmosphere, raven wings
flash past your eyes at the border.

Author: Aliena
©: Aliena.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1172 times
Written on 2006-11-27 at 12:02

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Zoya Zaidi
Dear Friends, I am sorry for the long absence, I was away, the whole of the last week, at my yearly Rheumatology Conference to Lucknow; just came in this morning.
Love, Zoya

zoya ji how r u?
kafi der baad dekha aapko. are u busy in your work?
I think you must check your poet bay msg boxes there some important question..........................i think. but your poes are truely ""the best""

You've done a great job, my dear! I'm proud to have my text next to yours!

Kathy Lockhart
To Zoya and Aliena: your talents breathe in the world and exhale beauty.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hi there

this is a challenge i will partake in but give me a few days

rgds mike

wow, what a lovely way to describe about wind/air
amazing poem, nice and more than to all these words....

"""The same wind blows for thousands of years,
And makes a hole in the solid rock-

The formless, shapeless, colourless, invisible wind
Can bore holes in impregnable rock,
By simply blowing consistently, perseveringly, powerfully,
For thousands of years at a stretch..."""