Picture copyright protected by Dan Cederholm

Open up your senses

Open your eyes and
turn on your senses
if you have the sixth sense
then use it with care!

Telepathic, who needs a radio!

Our deep cognitive perceptions
is to see in three dimensions

Some senses that some of us
has lost by time . .

The ability to have . . .
knowledge of the time!
(Without clocks)

The ability to . . .
have a compass in your head!
(Without a compass in your pocket)

there are more things
in heaven and on Earth
than can be dreamed of
in mere philosophy.  

You seek bigger explanations
for even the most mundane events.

Your inquiries lead you
to some amazing discoveries.

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1335 times
Written on 2006-11-27 at 20:49

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Kathy Lockhart
Ah Dan...this reads like breath upon the air. I agree with your message here as well. I do know I have at times experienced those strong feelings, premonitions, of things to come. I have had them while awake and during my dreams. It amazes me when I know, that I know that I know. And, I do. I think God for all my gifts however they present themselves.

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
thisd isd a beautiful text Dan you are certainly on a roll tonight and these past few days well done rgds mike

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