Picture copyright protected by Dan Cederholm

Detection of Reflections. . . our senses!

Mirroring mirrors of outside world
reflections of the ether, there in . . .

Reaching on several levels, extending
the arm outward, in to new planes
and dimensions, existing in reality . . .

. . . or only in virtual reality, the hush
of eternal silence are screaming, a loud
reflection of nowhere being, but everywhere
we can find the tracks of the future . . .

and the past . . .

But now is the time . . .

. . . . . .
 . the time for us to live

. . . . . . . Before it last 

                                <status Quo

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 649 times
Written on 2006-11-28 at 11:21

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Kathy Lockhart
this is a maze of thought, reflection and echoes. Wonderful poetry displayed so artistically.