On 5th of May 2005, an AIDS victim was denied burial grounds in Kerala, South of India, this poem was inspired by that news item in the Time of India daily. Today is World's AIDS Day. There are 1, 2 billion Aids victims in the World, India has 5,7 milli

Bury me when I am dead! Don't bury me alive!

Give me a space to live,
Give me a space to die,
Give me fresh air to breathe,
to dream, a sleep of peace;
I am a human being,
Your kith and kin...

Do not shun me as if
I have committed a sin,
Do not shed me like I was
an old piece of skin
on the back of cobra-society,
fit for the dustbin...
I am you kith and kin....

I have a heart like yours
that likes to beat,
To love, and not to bleed...
I have a soul my own
as pure as yours
that likes to share the joy,
not sorrows all the time...

I am a human being,
I am your kith and kin...

I know, I am doomed to death,
But let me at least live,
While I still breathe,
Don't declare me dead
when I am alive still:
At least assure me
A life of dignity,
And when I am gone,
At least assure me
A burial with dignity-
Do not take my right to die with dignity.

First, you bury me alive,
Then finally, when my soul
takes leave of my body
for the heavenly abode,
You deny me even the burial grounds
for my mortal remains...

Bury me when I am dead,
Don't bury me when I am still alive...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

90% of AIDS children do not have access to treatment. 50,000 people die every day of AIDS the world over...And though a lot is being done to create awareness, the stigma still remains...

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 754 times
Written on 2006-12-01 at 12:17

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liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
A very thought-provoking piece Zoya.

It is sad that stigma still remains on subjects
such as this.



Sad, even in death, they are afraid to embrace the stricken of their own!!

Zoya Zaidi
Awwww! Cindy, you overwhelm me!
I am so moved, almost in tears...
Love, Zoya

A very hearfelt moving and POWERFUL!! write here!!
when will there be a day in this world to be as one
and all be equal and the racism in this world sickens me
to the core!! where is the compassion in souls of the hatred!
must be the devil work!!!! this write moved me much!!
Dignity,compassion,Care, love!!! the rights to just live!!
peace !!! I could go on and on!! my deepest sympathy and my heart goes out to the family who had to endure such a loss to have there family member denied! a burial..such hate for the ones with aids or there Gender...the hatred in people I just dont get it!!
Zoya God gave you a gift and that is you have a big heart
and you have such a compassion for others..the way you care
and shine onto others never have I met such a beautiful soul like
you and you show that every given day:)
I salute you my friend for who you are!!
hugs to you from afar:)

A very strong and beautifully compassionate write.

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
it really upsets me to hear atrocities like this... how pathetic and cruel we can really be at times, it's beyond me... as always, your words, your passion for the good of people hit... hopes for a better world, it will come someday? very compassionate and strong poem... *hug* xx

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a very powerfu lwrite zoya and such expression of compassion from you gentle loving soul rgds mike