The Knights of the Round Table

King Arthur and his knights from Camelot
went out for fight and all of them were equal
they were great in faith and brave in battle
The brave Knights of the Round Table
they were 150 knights seeking the Holy grail

Sir Gawain the chief knight of the Round Table
the bravest and wisest so fast with his sword
Sir Galahad who is pure, noble and unselfish
the one that was able to see the Holy Grail
he was so full of hope and believing

Sir Kay who is foster brother and seneschal of King Arthur
was a great administrator and a wizard with money
they were 150 knights fighting and believing
striving for eternal peace
knights of the fabled King Arthur's Court

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 644 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 09:47

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