=P tell me my mistakes and I will improve it
when it disappear behind
the mountains,
the houses.
The flowers are no longer sweet,
their smells are no longer comforting,
their leaves are no longer colorful.
The pictures I have in my head
of love and safety
are forgotten.
The only thing that are there
is a person, that is more beautiful
than the sunset, the flowers,
the pictures I have of love and safety.
It is you.
And all I have learned about beauty
fades in your precense.
The sunset will never catch my eyes
ever again, when you
are near.
Poetry by Poe_t
Read 557 times
Written on 2005-10-14 at 11:57
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The sunset fades with you near
The sun is no longer beautifulwhen it disappear behind
the mountains,
the houses.
The flowers are no longer sweet,
their smells are no longer comforting,
their leaves are no longer colorful.
The pictures I have in my head
of love and safety
are forgotten.
The only thing that are there
is a person, that is more beautiful
than the sunset, the flowers,
the pictures I have of love and safety.
It is you.
And all I have learned about beauty
fades in your precense.
The sunset will never catch my eyes
ever again, when you
are near.
Poetry by Poe_t
Read 557 times
Written on 2005-10-14 at 11:57