The 3rd of Dec. is marked the world over as the International Disability Day; Disabled are not disabled, they are differently-abled; Let us pay a tribute to these brilliant, differently-abled people!

Triumph Over Adversity!

Ludwig Van Beethoven,
Who gave the world its most beautiful music,
Towards the middle of his life, started going deaf,
His anguish that he poured into his music,
Produced the most lyrical music of his career...

Pierre- Auguste Renoir,
Who painted the most sumptuously delicate nudes,
Started to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis, slowly
crippling his hands to a state when he completely
lost his grip and tied his brushes to his wrists to paint
the most beautiful masterpieces, but never gave up in spirit...

Feodor Dostoyesky,
The most brilliant Russian novelist of nineteenth century,
Who had a deep insight into human psyche, who gave
the world such masterpieces as 'Bothers Karmasov',
Gave the most apt description of epilepsy in his novel 'The Idiot',
Actually suffered himself from epilepsy, he never let his condition
come in the way of his genius, and went on producing masterpieces...

John Milton,
Who gave English literature, its most beautiful poems,
Suffered immensely, when his 'light started to go out',
But, turned his misfortune into an asset and went on to write,
most lyrical poetry of all times, despite his blindness...

Virginia Woolf,
Who gave the world of literature a new genre of writing-
'The stream of consciousness'- who her self had said:
'I write in between my bouts of madness...' actually suffered
from Schizophrenia, and literally used her own hallucinations
to give richness to her characters; her own paranoid delusions
instead of becoming her handicap, became her strength,
giving power and substance to her characters...

Indian painter Satish Gujral,
After undergoing an operation to regain his power of hearing,
Which he had lost in childhood, opted for the world of silence,
as the cacophony of the world of voices became too much
for his sensitive ears, and his artistic brain refused to accept the noises...

Stephen Hawking,
The Einstein of our times, who challenged the theory of relativity,
And went on to prove that light actually can bend, and introduced
the concept of the all-sucking 'Black Holes' in the Universe,
Is all but 'Brain', and nothing else- no arms, no legs, not even his tongue –
nothing in his body works except his brain... and what a brain!

Disabled are not disabled; they are only differently-abled!
Given an opportunity, they will excel and perform better
than most so-called 'able' people; they are especially-abled people,
And need to be treated especially; they are actually exceptional people
And need exceptional attention!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1623 times
Written on 2006-12-04 at 17:42

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Kathy Lockhart
This is beyond ordinary; it is extrodinary! Thank you for this superior creation on overcoming adversity. This is one of the most inspirational narratives I have ever read. You are a wealth of compassion and insight plus your intellect is a beautiful gift to behold.
2006-12-08 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
triumph they did, for sure... very inspiring people... just goes to show the strength some people possess, and how they won't back down from anything, or let anything get in the way of their passion... i admire and have the greatest respect for these people... i can only imagine the people that were around them probably telling them to quit it, that it wasn't worth pursuing etc... so glad they had that stubborness in them to go on no matter what... makes me think of Einstein, who as a boy, people around him believed he was a hopeless case, labelling him intellectually retarded... can you imagine? a wonderful write, putting in the limelight exceptionally gifted people who had an incomparable strength of character... we have much to learn from them... *hug* xx

Excellent u made mi know about disabled people who change the world

THANK YOU! I love it when people try to convince this world that it's discriminations are wrong.


Sam lockhart
Zoya, what a great reminder of the value of each and every person. Loved it, Sam

Excellent Zoya...though many judge the outward appearance of men, few see the beauty and use of a diamond in the rough. I cannot help but believe that God himself intended these so called handicaps to show us the power of the human spirit. A testimony to overcoming the adversaries of this life!! Just so uplifting to read!!!

Never underestimate anyone!!!

Excellent!! And what an excellent choice of photo--Ludwig!! This is such a great tribute to these people!

Zachary P. B.
this is excellent, zoya.. we all have different abilities and talents that keep this world going, and some people are so amazing, like these you've named...

a good reminder.

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Thank you for sharing this poem and info with us Zoya!Thanks for contributing to the enlightment of humanity!We all need to understand that we are all human beings! We complete each other!I once saw a deaf man helping someone to walk over the street(that couldn't walk so well)

(((hugs for sharing)))

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
never have i seen truer words spoken in the poetry on this site well done rgds mike

That just goes to show the only limits are the one's we put on ourselves.

Positive Message



Christian Lanciai
Excellent to be reminded of the constant victory of the spirit over any physical adveristy...