Today my soul is troubled...

Inexplicable Anguish...

I am sad like a silent mountain; caves
in whose belly are suddenly filled with
floods of tepid, simmering water...

I am troubled like a hot summer wind
that blows violent agonized with heat,
raising the dust of the sands of deserts...

In my heart I have a tumult that beats
like frenzied tornado on a desolate island-
Uprooting every tree of existence...

I am struggling like a fish out of water,
trying helplessly to catch its breath,
to somehow put an end to the torture...

I am burning in Hell-fire; Drowning in
the sea of torment, trying to inundate my soul
with inexplicable anguished thoughts...

Can someone tell me,
What is my ire?

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1258 times
Written on 2006-12-06 at 12:13

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Christoffer Waye
This is so...
Incredible, so full so heavy,
Its like a indescribable weight
that when you read you feel heavier in your place
Great text Zoya I hope everything works out.

you've made agony into something beautiful...
in my opinion, such raw feeling and honesty
is the essence of poetry and you've used it
to create something wonderful.
thanks for the read.

so much pain in this write what deep depression can do to
ones mind how we try to stay afloat from sinking down deep
and I feel all these feeling you do write
Hope you are feeling better my friend from afar!
many hugs of a trillion to you and your family

::::~]M[ a x ~ ]D o l b y~::::
I can feel som much pain and agony in this poem Zoya...i hope everything gets better and HUGSS


Everyone feels this way at times, and like all things, they will pass and the sun will rise, always!!!

Stay Strong, there are days in life like these.

Loved the way you worded your anguish!

Powerful Write!!!! BM

You make even ire so beautiful, Zoya. I wish I could come there and find out... But I'll content myself with arranging my books tonight, I think. Hugs and smiles...

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya this poem is so full of the anguish you describe and i hope you will come thruogh this unscathed a hug and a cuddle for the doctor from a hero take care rgds mike