There are those times; Ever been there?

Mind Fog...

I know those times,
I have traveled that road
To No-where and to No-Time;
I have been locked in that fog
of Nothingness and Nowhereness,
in a different Time wrap, in a different world,
Where one would dreads to be:
When the world is all hazy-
All topsy-turvy!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1068 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 06:52

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Wow--I can really identify with this one..sometimes nothing makes sense...and things aren't how they seem..wonderfully done, Zoya! BRAVO!

The fog is a beautiful place.. an inspirational place
but also a dangerous place.. i think we`ve all been there sometime
a well constructed poetic describtion of the mind fog!
There are many fogs to be within!

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Sometimes we need to turn everything upside down in a space without time in order to get the answers we need without the pressure of time or the lack of it ;)

It's like the pyramid of knowledge turned upside down. Do we get divine answers then? Probably, if we search to find what we need to get in order to improve our lives and not by trying to replace what we don't have. Then the answers will be revealed and the dim that cloud our judgment will dissappear and reveal the sun.

Thank you for this well written and thought provoking poem
my dear soul sister :)

Very suggestive and expressive text, introduced by a perfect picture!

Dan Cederholm

WOOOW Zoya you are a great writer!

This poem remembers me about times
passing by when my soul flies away
to long from my body... and in that
time I struggle to catch it back...

Well as you can see I've got it back
but I still wonder where do I really belong
in space and time...

Sometimes I can really feel when there was
another time, another breath and another
goal to catch...

Upside-down; confused, disorderly, chaotic

Yes my friend who has not been there....
out in the air, leaving the cliff, no where to
settle down our feet and no where to stay in
peace with our thoughts and mind!

A great poem about to be outside!

All the best to you Zoya, Dan!


this is very well written

''When the world is all hazy-
All topsy-turvy!'' very amazing verses!!



Kathy Lockhart
Yes, Zoya, I think I have met you there as we traveled on that same road in that same world. Brain Fog! What a trip!! Love this dear sister. : )

I've been there... so beautiful...

And yet there will and always will be a light at the end !!!!

Ive been there many times and have come out better because of it. Im glad you were able to share this.

~Aaron Rowe

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
hey i do Zoya I know what you feel and it is hard to pullup sometime this poem aptly describes a lament of the heart rgds mike