Just sobering up from a get-together!!!

Remember! Remember!

All day long, I toil,
To make the wrong things right,
To save the day,
For everyone,
And yet, I don't see you,
Through all of this,
All I can see,
Is your lovely face,
But I had to see my friends, first,

A drink or two,
Or two or more,
It never stops and never ends,
But the end of the road is short,
And like all things,
It's on the way,

Unlike a sip of coffee,
I should be in bed,
But I wanted to see your voice,
Before I sleep,
Before I sober up,

Will I remember, I'll decide,
I have that right, of course,

I still remember the smell,
Of beauty from such innocense,
After drinking forbidden fruit,
Dancing among the overwhelmed and happy,
The preying and the predators,
The stumble and fall,
I won't realize until,
The rising of the cold and judging sun,

Admittance is the first step,
So I guess I'm doing it now,
You can laugh later,
You can chuckle later,
And afterwards, maybe a snicker,
But remember this,
I still had moe fun than you did this night,
And got home without a ticket,
Thank God, Thank God, Thank God,

You see,
Even angels can falter,
Just a little,
To the daring, somber and foolish,
Please do not try this at home,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 798 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 08:05

Tags Sober 

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Amanda K
Was a very good text. As usual you are special with your themes.

all the best,

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 4

Kathy Lockhart
there is only one perfect being and we are not him.
There are so many times I have thanked God for protecting me from my own stupidity.
I thank him even when he lets me stumble and fall for then I learn even more.
You always make me think! xx

Wow. Somebody had some crazy fun. Good work on the poem, and on partying as well. Drink plenty of water.

the tarnished wings of an angel?...just brush them off babe...you will fly again to new heights
get some rest