
In desperation my words
Screaming for hope
Blessed with emptiness
I demoralize the desert

I seek the mountains
In a downfall of sanity
Scars in my eyes
Seeing nothing but sand

In a black robe
I stumble reluctantly
Through a desert
Of my own making

Seeking narrow ideas
Of what could have been
"Et fili" seeks no one
In the desert sands

As the night falls
My eyes close the door
And demoralize again
A soulmade world

Poetry by Cr4Ky
Read 586 times
Written on 2006-12-10 at 00:47

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Amanda K
captivating images created by mind. that's a very well-written piece. have a nice day.

all the best on 2007,

Very deep, and fantastic imagery..bravo!

Kathy Lockhart
the searching for answers, the feeling of emptiness and loss both project themselves from this well written and effective poem. The mood is somber and dark.

Rob Graber
A spiritual desert is well conveyed here! (line 9: "In a black robe"?)