Based on a saying created, Lost is the mind that won't think, the heart that won't beat and the angel that won't fly!!!

The cliche and clinging of wings

Dreams are hard to keep on file,
Because they always change,
Like we do, all the time,
But its all set to achieve one goal,
Happiness, a mark upon the world,
All until the time when our wings,
Finally grow and are strong enough,
To carry us where we need to go,
When people fear, people talk,
And it's usually not good,
Doubt is the great downshift,
When you are trying to drive or speed up the mountain,
And if you do and don't pay attention to it,
It's a hard way down,

In the beginning they were called "nuts",
They played with chemicals,
Hanged out in barren farms and barnyards,
But eventually, they proved their point,
The future is out there,
Here's a way to get there,
It's started with guys named Chuck,
Then there was others like John and Neil,
There was something beyond the fringe benefits,
Beyond the velocity that made them do what they did,
It was the formation of a foundation,
To help guide the way for all of us,

Unfortunately the only time we hear about,
The achievements of the wings,
Are the disappointments of the fallen,
A thing that should not be forgotten,
Our dreams our hopes and our future,
It's not so dark out there if you think about it,
Everybody watches us and so do we,
Sometimes it's comical to hear about trickles,
Somewhere far away,
But figure it out,
If you spend nine on seeing the future,
Surrounded by darkness and other characters,
You can hear about water bills from our neighbor,
Far away for free,

As the words on the virtual paper,
Form a foundation,
So must our dreams our hope our future,
Down here up there and around here,
Some give a lot and some give and will give all,
To see a smile from the future,
A thank you from a stranger,
A joyous tear from the down-trodden,
Never think of your growing wings as a fashion statement,
Or a embarrassment to hide,
A beauty lies with every glorious inch of growth,
A privilege and duty to one day soar,
Among the hopeful and even,
The doubtful,

For our undying dreamers of NASA,
And all lovers of the sky,
Forever spread your wings,
And never stop flying,
To show us the fundamental powers,
Of the visions our heart beats,
When we are fast asleep,
Our dreams,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 912 times
Written on 2006-12-11 at 05:08

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Dream, dream, dream!!!!
Great things were accomplished because someone believed in miracles...thats how dreams come true!

great piece sweets!


Isn't the mind a mysterious, interesting part of us? Our hopes, dreams, aspirations, and even fears are what make us human. This is a wonderful piece on humanity itself--BRAVO!

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5