A strange dream I had last night...

Dream of Doom...

Strange dream I had last night, my love
I was alone in a vast wilderness,
Not a soul was anywhere in sight,
All around was dark and dun...
Gloom was settling deep into my soul,
Chill was begining to desolve my bones;
Not even a streak of lightening to show,
Where was the way and where I should go?

Suddenly, I saw a shadow ahead,
Like an apparition it sped away...
I started following it to ask the way,
Desperately I tried to keep up with it,
But the distance between us grew instead,
Till the earth suddenly gave way under my feet

And I was sinking into a pit less abyss
I shouted for help with all my might,
The shadow then turned and gave me a smile,
An eerie smile;
To my horror, I suddenly realized:
It was

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1482 times
Written on 2006-12-16 at 06:52

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this poem gave me chicken skin..in other words goose bumps:)
a very mystic and felt the chill in this read!! a wee scare this write
loved it!!
hugs to you

Rob Graber
A very eerie poem! Such a dream would not seem to bode well for a relationship, would it?

munir mezyed
I have a poem similar to it
I will post it so u can read it
it is called
Shadow, Dreams and Death.....

munir mezyed

Kathy Lockhart
my heart was thumping! what a eerie, mysterious poem Zoya. I loved every minute I took reading this over and over again. I am a lover of such spooky subjects. thanks for creating this one. chilling!

Dan Cederholm

Well then there was another soul . . .

and i Wonder who is it . . .???

Great writing here dear Zoya . . .

you are a master . . . handling some big

thruth's . . . Life what have you become?

All the best to you, Dan


beautiful piece

Sleep pleasant dreams forever more!!!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a beautifully lyrical piece somewhat like Robert loiuis Stevensons reflective texts well done rgds mike

Very clevery written piece
I like it^^
I like your immagination here!