Every body is asking me,
Where have you disappeared?

Where are you Liam?

Where are you Liam?
Where are you my friend?
Every body is asking me,
Where have you disappeared?
And I am at a loss for words
Because, I must confess:
I have no inkling
What is up with you, my friend!

Your last message to me,
Just the other day,
Said you were OK!
But now it seems your name
Does not even figure
In the list of authors here on the Bay!

What am I to understand?
I am at a lose end...
I know you have been troubled
In the past days, hounded by,
what you yourself call,
'Kidfishers' of Cyber Space!

Usually you tell me
whenever you are in trouble
and I try to help,
in whatever way I can,
to get you out of it...
But this time you are missing
Without a word to me,
Or for that matter anybody...

Clouds of doubt are surging in my mind,
Where do I look for you,
Where do you I find?

So if you read this, my friend of the bay,
Please let me know,
If you are OK?
if I can help you in any way?

Your concerned friend,

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 872 times
Written on 2006-12-20 at 11:26

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Hi Zoya!

I wrote an e-mail to Liam and got the reply that he has a lot going on in school at the moment, and didn't have much time to spend on the bay anymore. He also said that he was very touched by our concern. :)

I hope this makes you feel better my friend!



liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
I agree Zoya -
We can try to help but we
need to know how first.

I hope Liam reads this and we done on
this emotional piece from your heart.

Liam is truly missed.



you must have written this from your heart. sincere emotions. good work , Zoya

Kathy Lockhart
thank you Zoya for writing this very important piece. I miss him too and have concerns. I hope he is okay and will return to bless us with his poetic talents once again.