A tiny drop of water is not just a drop, but holds a potential sea in itself...

...Not Just A Drop!

A drop is a whole Ocean in itself,
What is an ocean, but a multitude of drops...

A drop is rain,
A drop is hail,
A drop is tumult,
A drop is a storm!

A drop is not just a drop:

A dewdrop on a rose petal,
on a pleasant morn.
Hoarfrost on a tender leaf,
on a chilly dawn.
A snowflake on your tender lips,
melting in your warmth.

A helpless tear
on a child's cheek,
on a hungry, sleepless night.

A gleam of joy
In a widow's eyes,
Watching her son grow with pride.

A pearl in an oyster shell
joyful of its destiny,
In that glorious moment of time.

Delicate ripple on a sunset beach,
kissing the shore
bathing the soul in its calm.

A frolicking froth
in a mountain stream,
skirting around the rocks.

A shower of rain
on a hot summer day,
cooling your brow.

A river
Flowing through the desert,
Giving the essential water of life.

A tornado, a hurricane,
A Tsunami, a giant wave,
Destroying things in potent rage.

A drop,
A tiny drop of water,
Is not just a drop!

An expression of sorrow
A suggestion of joy,
Source of potent rage,
The mother of pearl,
The father of sea,
The giver of life...

A drop is not just a drop,
the essence of our being on Earth!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1459 times
Written on 2006-12-22 at 17:54

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This is so deep, really got me thinking, I loved the way you see a drop in the ocean in so many different ways,( eye opener)... it made me "drop" right off my chair;-)... absolutely stunning

Amanda K
yea, somtimes we make less of small or little things. when a drop makes seas,oceans , tears...ect. when a stone makes mountains, hills...ect. we have to appreciate what we have in the world including your poem.it's not just a poem.


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
a wonderful poem Zoya so strong in its contemplation of wehat we are about what life is about well done on the metaphor of droplets in a huge ocean well done rgds mike

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Such a deeply thoughtful poem elicits many ponderings. I think of a drop and consider a human being, the drop of sperm the drop of an egg and their joining produces a human being. I don't know if you've seen the photograph of the embryonic child in the drop of it's sac being held by two fingers of an adult. It is amazing. Of course this little one's life is over because it has been separated from the life giving womb of its mother. But it just shows so clearly its humanity. This poem compells me to think that what a drop of water is to a hurricane a drop of humanity is to a full grown adult, or a newborn. We all start as drops. And just get bigger.

Wow--there is so much truth to this poem, wonderfully done, refreshing, vibrant, and fantastic imagery! BRAVO!

Kathy Lockhart
each of us is a drop. each action we take, each gesture, each word is a drop. Most importantly each kindness we show is a drop that with others' drops of kindness we will create an ocean of peace, love, and harmony. Beautifully written again. Each drop of your poetry fills my soul. thank you

lol!!!not finished!!!lol:))))

Those raindrops are falling on my, head they keep falling

but there's one thing I know

the blue's he sends to meet me won't defeat me!!!

It won't belong till happiness steps up to GREET!! me

Raindrops keep falling on my head

but that doesn't mean my eyeys will soon be turnin' red!!

crying's not for me!!

Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain from complaining!!

Because I'm FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing's worrying me!!!

well! sang part of the song lol! kind of filled your page but had to sing to you my friend lol!! when I was reading your poem this song played all through my head!!

love ya

as single drop with so much meaning!! lovely Zoya as a song just popped in my head!!will sing you a part from this song!!:)

those raindrops are falling on my,