Has your lover ever said to you "your sprung" and what do you tell them?
This is what I had to say to that...


What does it mean to be sprung?
To want and love only one?

And what exactly does
"sprung" mean?
Is a bad thing for you or me?

So, let me take this word and spread it out,
And let my feelings tell you what it's all about,

S.......is for the Special place you have in my heart.

P.......is for the Passionate and sensual love making part.

R.......is for my Relentless devotion, I love you so much.

U.......is for the Ultimate feelings I get from your touch.

N.......is for the Naughty girl you make me want to be.

G.......is for the Goofy, funny girl you bring out of me.

If this is what it means to be sprung
Then,"Hell yeah, I 'm guilty, I'm the one!"

Because, when it comes to my heart your definitely the only one!
And I'm not too proud to say, "Ron, for you I'm definitely

Poetry by Myleena
Read 1142 times
Written on 2007-01-07 at 12:09

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Zoya Zaidi
So, here we are all being 'sprung' with this newly found poetic word and your poetry.
Very refreshing!
Welcome to the bay daer Myleena!
Love, Zoya

Sweet message of love here, well done for being sprung. Mine used to say, 'lets bounce tiger' and he bounced right off the planet! Enjoy your love. Smiling at you, Tai