Falling in love

Did You Know?

Did you know?

Every time I see your face and hear your voice,
There's no denying my heart's made it's choice.
It stirs up feelings deep in my heart that all belong to you.
"Ron, I've fallen totally in love with you."

Sometimes you make me feel so nervous and scared,
I don't know what else to do, so, i just sit there and stare,
And it scares me to think that any day you could leave.
Just the thought of it makes me weak in the knees.

Did you know?

I anticipate lying with you every night,
While you rub my shoulder, kiss my neck and hold me tight.
I feel so close and safe just lying next to you all night.

Was it the words you said that made me feel so right?
Is this love that is burning in me so bright?
Is this love that I'm feeling deep inside?
I can't imagine anyone but you by my side.

Did you know?

I'll wake up and watch you sleep?
I caress your face and kiss your neck.
Those are the nights I'll never forget.
It felt so good to lie with you and rub your chest.
That's the part I love the best.

I always feel safe and happy when you're by my side.
You have become the light of my life.
Nothing makes me feel the way I feel with you.
I can no longer hide what I know to be true,
"Ron, I've fallen totally in love with you."

Poetry by Myleena
Read 1118 times
Written on 2007-01-07 at 15:45

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