This is for my boyfriend while were apart. I miss him and soon we'll be together again.

Missing you, My love

It's not the same without you, no matter how hard I try.
It hurts so much sometimes, I try so hard not to cry.
I miss you every night, I don't know what to do.
Cause, as I lay here, all I can think about is you.

You're the man of my dreams and mine to keep.
The touch of your skin, igniting a fire in me so deep,
I'm so happy that we met, I truly have no regrets.
Our passionate lovemaking, I'll never forget.

I guess that what I'm trying to say,
I miss and love you with every passing day.
It hurts me not see you or to know you're ok.
Will you think of me and look forward to a new day?

Every little kiss from you was like a dream come true.
This love that i have inside my heart, it all belongs to you.
My feelings for you, I can't deny and will never hide.
I truly care for you with feelings deep inside.

Even though I know we're many miles apart,
I want you to know I've loved you from the start.
No matter how long we're apart, just know you hold my heart.

I've taken heart that belongs only to you.
And put it in a box that no one can shatter,
Because with you in my life,

Poetry by Myleena
Read 1135 times
Written on 2007-01-07 at 16:02

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