This is about one way love, someone tells you they love you but thier still in love with someone else.


Don't tell me you love me,
When you're in love with her.

Don't tell me you want me,
If you can't forget her.

Don't call me your girl,
If I'm really just a friend.

Don't ask me to live with you
If you just want to pretend.

Don't say you won't go back to her,
If that's all you really want to do.

Don't say you don't want her,
When maybe deep down you really do.

Don't pretend that it's over,
If there's a chance for you there.

Don't try to give up
When you know you still care

Don't realize I love you,
If you can't give me more.

Don't expect me to hurt you,
Because that's not what I'm here for.

Don't say you really love me,
If the words you speak aren't true.

Don't break my heart,
Just for loving you.

Don't keep asking me what's wrong,
Because, you might like the answers you get.

Don't keep lying to me,
And end up leaving with regret.

Poetry by Myleena
Read 1173 times
Written on 2007-01-07 at 17:52

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Rob Graber
This moving write is your best yet! It would be even more effective, I think, without the bold type; the reader will notice the repetition of "Don't." Let your words do the talking, without glitzy special effects!

Edgar John Jackson
well i can say it hurts me so deep because i am living the same situation, and i can say it is part of my poem "Understand", but now i have seen i ain't the only one who suffers in that way. Ur poem is really great and deep. Congratulation my friend and remember life goes on.
