Sorry friends- one of those days...

I am an Island

I am an island
In the middle of a vast ocean,
Surrounded by waters
From all quarters,
Threatening to deluge,
To submerge,
Under the deep Sea...

An islet in the Sundarbans,
Waiting to be engulfed
By the next Tsunami...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Of 102 odd islands of Sundarbans, in the bay of Bengal, India, interspersed along the Delta of the Ganga and Brahamputra, the greatest river-delta in the world, two islands were completely submerged a scores of tens were eroded to such an extent that they still remain uninhabitable after two years of the last Tsunami of December 26th 2004.

Photo: 'No Man is an Island'- Javer's Bay- Australia, by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 956 times
Written on 2007-01-13 at 05:13

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I adore all your poems!!!
Wish you all the best!!


Wonderful words and a great flow.

Natural disasters are horrible. And to make that feeling of horror, into your own sad thoughts, that sad day.

It, like the sea, overwhelmes you.


lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya you are a wonder with the inspirational texts well done babe wel done rgds mike

deep message, zoya...very deep...

Lilly xxx

Esti D-G
Wow! Zoya - had no idea of the devastation of these islands.
Very moving. much lurve, esti x

This text made me think of a poem by the Italian Lina Galli. It depicts another aspect of the island's solitude, and i'll ry to translate it for you.
A big hug of comfort (oh yes, dear, I know those days!)

Well i am sorry for that beautiful island. What do this really imply that all beautiful things will be destroy by diasters? God help us.

And still, you think about the others that are now homeless. Beautify write.

Kathy Lockhart
i know those days Zoya. You are loved dear sister of the soul.
this is a moving presentation.

Zachary P. B.
i know the feeling all too well. don't fall under, breathe.


Rob Graber
Identifying with an island--great concept, Zoya!
PS: Line 5: "Threatening to be deluged," maybe? Or "Threatening to deluge," in which case line 6 might better be "To submerge"? Bit of a syntactical dilemma here perhaps... :-,?

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!
This is such a sad poem.

I will wite you a special poem
because I know I can't phyically
give you a hug Zoya =)
