Hidden in the thick foliage of the green forest is the Cheonjiyeon Water fall, one of the many, on the picturesque honeymoon island of Jeju, in South Korea. This poem recaptures the moments spent under the magnificent waterfall.

At the Cheonjiyeon Water Fall

Water falls with force and power
From the lofty height
Sheets and sheets of it creating
Effervescence light....
Tiny droplets spray my face
Cooling my tormented brow
Kiss my cheeks caressingly
Tingling my tactile nerves raw
Goose pimples of awe and thrill
Cover my sinuous skin...

I see the tiny prisms of droplets
Refracting the rays of Sun
Coming together to produce
a magic Rainbow wand
Delicately perched over the fall-
A permanent virtual band...

And think how the waterfall
With all its power and might,
Still needs a precarious rainbow
To soften its pomp and pride...
And how that raging water later
Into a calm river follows
And hides in the thick green foliage
That along its banks grows...

Why can't we, with all our stature
Be humble in our grace
Sublimate our ego,
Give up the pomp and show

And in calm streams flow....

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo of Cheonjiyeon Water fall by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1367 times
Written on 2007-01-14 at 18:46

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probably because we are only human beings in the end:)...during history we over came this splendid condition of natural humbleness...but this poem of yours should make us all see that again...
Lilly xxx

Reading your poem makes me feel like I'm actually standing under that waterfall myself. Well done :-)

Rob Graber
Wow, this really brings back the feelig I too have enjoyed beneath a great falls--the droplets on the face, the power and the roar... Well done!