At every bend in life we ask our selves these questions, and yet the answers, more often then naught, elude us... Some stocktaking of life here...

Who Knows Where the Journey Ends...

Now, when life is half spent,
Who knows where the journey ends?

Moment to moment I live along
Quickly does my life go on...

In the midst of jungle deep,
I find myself alone indeed
Shadows dark in pursuit mine
Take the joy away from grind

In quest of the goal unknown,
I am on the eternal roll...

Who knows where journey ends?

Do I try to grasp that was
within reach, but never was...
Do I try out avenues new?
That may prove unattainable though....

Do I go on as I am?
And to inertia succumb...
Do I turn a new leaf?
Make life more interesting still.

Variety is the spice of life-
My meal of life is well spiced.

But, will I dissipate myself?
I am afraid of the burnout...

But, I like to consume myself
In my passions great or small...

In consuming is my completion
In dying is my salvation-
If I just get spent
in seeking what I love best
I won't mind it at all
And will continue enthralled...

But, where does the journey end?

Only if I knew...

But, then this life would not be
As much fun as it is now...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: "Road to Nowhere" by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 920 times
Written on 2007-01-18 at 17:55

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A tribute to life! And a beautiful one!

Sometimes I wish I could know where the journey ends, or at least where it will take me. Curiosity keeps me worried, yet alive.

A beautiful image as well!

Thank you!

So many questions, but you're doing it right, you are following your heart!!!

yes, indeed, my friend, life would not be so much fun anymore if we always knew what expects us after the next corner :)
you are such a deep poet! i am in awe...
Lilly xxx

Black Knight
Well, since my birth and till the present day
I go ahead without any stay.
And where will be the ending of my way,
For me it doesn't matter, I would say.

I really do not know where the journey ends,
In what unknown spheres or in what far lands.
But even if some days of life are gone,
I truly hope that your journey just begun.

And nice photo, indeed. Though, I would name it rather "Road to Somewhere" :)

Sincerely yours,