How we long for warmth of spring on cold wintry nights...

Wintry Night

When it is white
On a starless night
Snow covers every thing in sight,
The chill sets into the bones and
One longs for the spring bright
Forlorn it is all around
The woods glow with surreal light,

Not a soul stirs on the ground,
Silence invokes strange foreboding
Somewhere in the woods afar
A wolf begins to howl
And lonesome is the eerie bawl

A lonely traveler if abound,
Can hardly walk straight
When the icy winds scream,
Whistle in his ears and count
A chilling toll of death's knell

How he longs for a warm hearth,
With flames crackling in the fire-place,
Where he can warm his frozen feet
Piping hot soup boiling in the pot,
When smell of freshly backed bread

Is heavenly and the sound
Of a kettle boiling on the stove
Brings life back into his heart
Blood begins to rush in the veins
Tears of joy flush his face...

Such is the feeling I have
When on a lonesome night
You suddenly come unannounced
And snuggle up close without a sound...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1207 times
Written on 2007-01-20 at 04:39

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ah that is so laid-back, relaxed like it is when we get next to the fire-place in winter yeah... i love the descriptions all the way to the conclusion saying that's how i feel when you come around and i wasn't expecting you... gives a very warm feeling for sure... i enjoyed this... really fit the soft melody the song i'm listening to has... very beautiful effect your words have here... *hugs* xx

Great, poem.

You have convinced me that even a sound, can give warmth!!!