For my cousin Paddy --- who has always be nothing but a great dad to his children...

u will walk out

in this darkness
u can't find a way out
one day these doubts will fade
but at this momment it's all pain
because every single aspect of your life has changed
i know time is your loved ones hurting you
treating and acting all the ways you never raised them too
and though u ache for them they've turned their back on you
keep their photo's close to your heart
the faces in the photo's can't say hateful words
hopefully as they grow, the kids will know, it wasn't you that wanted to go
I myself have sat in the darkness too
so please remember... i'd always come in to find you
Greif is the consiquence of love
and holding on seems so rough

Poetry by gills
Read 457 times
Written on 2007-01-22 at 08:27

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