I hate it when I don't date my work. The first three lines I discovered in an old diary the rest is probably from two weeks ago when I felt beautiful. Thank you Sush. Thank you Shar. This is for you.
Madhu, read the 9th verse carefully.


The trees whispered
The leaves shivered
The flowers adorned

The garden seemed
To be telling me
"You are beautiful too"

Smile. I know.
I don't believe
What I see
Are the flaws

If beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
I don't see it when I behold myself.

If I cared a damn about the world,
I would care bout how I looked,
How I dressed,
What gloss I wore.

The truth is
It doesn't matter.
I've always told myself
If anyone needs to love me
They should look within
That's where the true beauty lies.

Maybe these are lies
That pride encourages,
Maybe these are illusions...
I know what I'm talking about!

Truth is beauty
And Beauty truth
The only absolutes are
Birth and Death
Everything else is a
Comparative study.

I'm less beautiful than most
I'm more beautiful than...

You know what
I don't care!
Do I feel beautiful inside?
Yes! Then nothing else matters.

Confidence, Attitude, Personality
These play a bigger role in attraction
And I have it,
Yes, I have it.

Poetry by Parnika
Read 1333 times
Written on 2007-01-30 at 06:33

Tags Garden  Beauty 

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I enjoyed this poem, the whole meaning of beauty is skin deep. I cant say i'm beautiful, but others can. But i can say i have a beautiful personality...just like you declare you do too.