Poetbay is a friendly site, where we are a family and we support each other, every one who enters our fold is welcomed with open arms. Lately some people are trying to mar the spirit of the bay; here is our answer to them:

The Spirit of Poetbay

We, the protectors of good spirit
here on poetbay,
Will not let any one mar the fun
we have today,
we will stick as a family here
in every way,
We will support each other and won't
come in other's way,
We are a force to reckon with
together we stand,
Let any one come and say that
we don't understand,
How can they understand when they
know not how it is:
The love and brotherhood we share
Is unique to the Bay!

Together we will stay!
©: Zoya

Together we will stay! No matter
what they may say,
Let our friendship always blossom
here on this cyber-bay,
Let us all build this world of words
on basis of kindness,
and simply care for each other
The sense of "gentleness".
©: Liliana Negoi

We are flowers on the bay,
here we can find a way
to add colour to life,cos it is gray.
As long as we stay
here we share one soul, Ay;
we share one soul that is all I want to

Together we will stay!

Yes! We will stay together and stand strong!

Together we discover
the depth of our soul
and learn how to refine
the beauty of our soul
We are here to stay
and we will stay united!
United as one!

Because we are the soul of poetry
we will not bow down or prostrate
to the beast of censure
We the protectors of the bay
Stand strong against the beast!
The beast of censure!

We are genuine and caring
Every day we express ourselves
freely and cultivate our spirit!

We will not allow abusive language
to take us back!
We will do everything
for the evolution of the mind!

We the protectors of the bay

We stand strong
while the beast with puerile rhyming
attempts to darken our souls
But we have seen the beauty
we have heard the music of our words

Write poet and poetess your poems
you are free
Write comments and encourage us
to become a better person
or help us understand ourselves

Thank you Poet and Poetess
your words brighten up our day

Together we will stay!
© Night Soul Woman

Authors: Zoya Zaidi (India), Liliana Nagoi (Rumania), Seda (Turkey)
, Night Soul Woman (Sweden)
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi (India), Liliana Nagoi (Rumania), Seda (Turkey), Night Soul Woman (Sweden)

Photo: 'Roses of Wisely Garden-UK' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi (India)

Note: Everyone is welcome to add to it.

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1275 times
star mini Editors' choice
Written on 2007-01-31 at 05:14

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Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!


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Poetbay is a friendly site, where we are a family and we support each other, every one who enters our fold is welcomed with open arms.

this is not true! people ignore each other on a regular basis here, it is the same in most poetry sites. i have left many comments in here and people don't bother with my work in return the favour etc which i thought was the point of interactive poetry sites! to read and comment on each other's work. one person here, i will not name names, was leaving rude poetry to another poet in the site, when i left a comment saying the poem was rude i got an im calling me a fuckwit and such! that is but one example. people do not help each other at all, i have seen numerous poems with spelling mistakes, grammatical mistakes, and people just say how good the poem is rather than point out the right way to spell etc. but of course people do not like being told they can not spell and so when others do point out such things they are then made to feel ignored. you are lucky, when you psot a poem people come out of the woodwork and leave you lots of comemnts which of course makes you feel nice, but others in the site post poems and no one hardly looks at them.

Karen Canning
this is totally beautiful, together we will stay, so apt I am glad I found this place and all the wonderful writers/friends here

karen xx

Nice very nice "togeter we will stay" a very strong word. I'ould like to propose that this should be the anthem of this Bay. In fact it is. Nice poem i respect it.

what exactly those people are doing to "mar' the spirit of bay?
do tl this.

perhaps i have some reply to this....check my texts.

Stine Mari Thomassen
Zoya I ment... sorry

Stine Mari Thomassen
very nice Zoia!

nice work zoya
like alwaz u do.
do read one of my poem.."supporting BAY"

its all wat i thnk, wats ur opinion on it...do tl me.

nice wrk of urs newz.
tc cr.

Well the only spirit i meet here is usually a compact silence and a total sense of being ignored, apart of one or two that always read what I write, but then again I do not always write about cute stuff or pour my heart out in a diary fashion without using any of the poetic tools one needs to make a good poem. I think the spirit here is rather frosty and narrowminded.

Yes!we are all united here!!!great job girls!!!!!kissess

Excellent, and with this, I will also stand with you, both!!!

well done, girls!!!

Christian Lanciai
The three graces, upon my honour!

We are flowers on the bay,
here we can find a way
to add colour to life,cos it is gray.
As long as we stay
here we share one soul, Ay;
we share one soul that is all I want to say


this is wonderful ,i thank Zoya,Night Soul Woman and Liliana soo much!! such a great idea this is !!

I am so glad I am a poetess on the bay.
I love Poetbay

hugs and love,

Very true !!! Good work!!
hugs, kath

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
very well said Zoya well done rgds Michael