Trying to get an understanding of recent events.

The two sides of disappointment

There is the good and the bad,
The true and the false,
A foundation crumbles,
And when only hate remains,
We seek victory in a battle that is already lost,
And it becomes nothing more,
Than childish vengeance among the innocent,
Among the other side that hurts, just as well,

Face to face with a brother,
To stop what you know is wrong,
It never has to do with invovlement,
It has to do with action,
And most of the time, it is quickly,
With a thought and a purpose,

Beyond, we are,
Of where did it all go wrong,
Of how did it come to this,
And through all of this,
You didn't want to get invovled,
But now, you are beyond that,
I am the spin that now,
Have become a side of disappointment,

We will see each other, face to face,
Emotions will be picked like cards,
I know that this is just the beginning,
Even though it ended that dark night of vandalism,
Time will tell and we shall see,
As the coin flips,
And no one chooses to lose,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 819 times
Written on 2007-02-01 at 02:31

Tags Disappointment 

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
I love those lines: As the coin flips,
And no one chooses to lose,

As the dancer moves without a trace I applaud!

Overall: 5

as time spins we should realise that we should seek those win / win situations ..and I belive we will in time ..because realy it is how we look at it that gives the situation at hand ... nothing is an absolute truth ,,, it is in our minds ....

thank you for your excellent write

regards katherine

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Kathy Lockhart
If only there would only be win/win outcomes in our conflicts. But, in reality, as in battles and games and life, there are those times of disappointment and of victory. You dancer keep the wheels of comtemplation turning as you dance.