Never underestimate you!!!

A tear begins a smile

Stolen anger with mutual scars,
That we always open,
To either prove a point,
Or watch it find a better way to heal,
Things happen and people defend,
Against what they feel is wrong,
Because either they know the path,
Or that they know what they feel,
Tricky, sometimes,
Cognitive against emotional actions,
And yet they play well together always,

You will never escape, a tear,
You will never escape, a smile,
It is a event at a certain time,
Only reserved for you, to bear, to endure,

A tear is the natural driving out of pain,
Killing or simmering the festering of anger,
Of what you can and cannot do at the time,
Upon all your warnings,
Upon all your fears,
A tear sheds to share your fate,

A smile is what you find,
At the end of the rainbow,
It is the basis of so many metaphors,
Of so many happy things,
And yet is shades pain, temporarily,
Because even the greatest actors,
Can't make it permanent,
But only if it's true,
Only if it's right,
Can a smile reveals the truest of light,

All in between lies, faith and hope,
All children of love,
It is love that defends the lost,
Love that guides us through a paths travelled,
Never trivial, as we create,
Never truly describe, as we try,
But ever visual, through events and trials,
Of tears and smiles,
Given unto us,
In the best and darkest of our times,

Faith is the foundation of hope,
And vice-versa,
Or as simply put by Bob Marley,
Through all of this,
While he left he said,
"Everything is gonna be alright",
No matter what happens,
Everything is gonna be alright,

As for you,
There will be a time when you will know,
Until then, try,
To listen to those who know, more,
Some things are not easy to understand,
But love is what guides the steps,
Hope is helping you try to understand,
Why now, more than ever,
You have to hold on and keep, the faith,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1004 times
Written on 2007-02-02 at 05:09

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
*bookmarked*Thank you for this amazing text :) and yes you are this one of the simplests truths in life but vital everything is going to be allright soon or later this what I say to myself since I was a child :) Once gain thank you for this text :)

Overall: 5

this is true.. as the stars shine on a winter night... making heaven a beautiful place... and everythi'ng i sgoing to be allright..that is true,....

this is a beautiful read..

best wishes

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

I remember my grandmother saying this to me, "it's gonna be ok, everything will be alright tomorrow" wasn't always true, but it did make me feel better...and in the end it really was ok....
her smile always made it better....nice thoughts brian
good to see you back!


Kathy Lockhart
I appreciate this text so much. We all need hope to keep us going. And, I love Bob Marley. I have that song playing through my head now. Everthing's gonna be alright.

WOW, thats all i can really is did a wonderful job on this!...Thanks for sharing!!!....oh and this will help me go the right way...maybe if i just keep on reading it i will understand it more and more and then it will really help me!...:D


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5