Dedicated to my lil bro. Jason
you know what I'm thinkin
I'd probly never do it Cause
I really ain't got the guts,
and I've got Jason to look
out for and Bryan as well
but it's a constant thought
now that I'm here, now and
then I can try but many
would cry if i succeded before
I needed a valid excuse and
now I got it my familys been
torn and now I feel worn out
because of this shit. Everyone
doughts I'd ever do it but now
I've got my reason, cause I don't
want to sit here and watch as my
family dies out, but I guess I have
no choice so as I sit here thinking
of you just remember you've got
my trust and you're all I got little
one so do you're best to have some fun.
Poetry by Tabitha Campbell
Read 894 times
Written on 2007-02-03 at 00:27
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All I have as a reason not to
I know it ain't worth it butyou know what I'm thinkin
I'd probly never do it Cause
I really ain't got the guts,
and I've got Jason to look
out for and Bryan as well
but it's a constant thought
now that I'm here, now and
then I can try but many
would cry if i succeded before
I needed a valid excuse and
now I got it my familys been
torn and now I feel worn out
because of this shit. Everyone
doughts I'd ever do it but now
I've got my reason, cause I don't
want to sit here and watch as my
family dies out, but I guess I have
no choice so as I sit here thinking
of you just remember you've got
my trust and you're all I got little
one so do you're best to have some fun.
Poetry by Tabitha Campbell
Read 894 times
Written on 2007-02-03 at 00:27
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