No matter which way you go, you find yourself.

Done in all ways

We all played with building blocks,
Once upon a time,
It's all about imagination,
What can you do?,
With no direction, no dictation,
You start with one,
And then you don't stop,
Until you see what you wanted to see,
All along,

As we grow smarter, never older,
We don't to go back, but remember,
When it was that simple,
But it still is, it is we who made the complications,
With that simple lesson,
We learned about priorities,
Thinking, creating and most important, indiviuduality,

In this creation,
We see the first signs of things being parts,
Of one final piece for a purpose,
A team that has no idea that they are,
It's sad that we only realize, later,
Of that of what is important and neccessary, now,

It's a step and another,
It's a stumble and a crawl,
But never do we go in, eyes closed,
It's the only thing that we really pay attention to,
And difference is who we are,
But what we find is always the same,
An understanding instead of condemnation,
And from there, you can become better,

Do not trouble yourself with comparison,
Because you become someone else,
Than what you really feel,
Someone that see the blocks shaped,
Different from you and me,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 874 times
Written on 2007-02-03 at 02:39

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
*storm of applause*an awesome insight Saga!!!Wonderfully written!!!If I understood right you talk about the golden spiral of life(but we still see in black and white) That's my comment for your picture that fits to the poem :)And yes you are absolutely right!That's the true course of evolution!"We don't go back but remember" The simple things in life and the most accurate truths remain always the same no matter how much we evolve!
And once again you are abslutely right when you write "Do not trouble yourself with comparison,Because you become someone else," That's so true Saga!

Thanks for sharing!!!

Overall: 5

summed up and true and a really cool write ... you are very good making a text stick together and keeping the red thread ...using a languge that keeps you as a reader focused

and yes the comma could go:) in my eyes anyway

regards kath

Kathy Lockhart
"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 2 3:7
I think this might apply to your thought provoking text. Well said