Picture by Dan Cederholm Copyright protected
But you can use it if you ask me . . .

Moonchild . . . There is a war going on

There is something missing
but I don't know why

There is something in the air
and it's all about a war

So I am standing at the bay
staring at the sea . . .

Senseless waiting for
the tidewater to come

The moon is up
in full bloom

- Can it fill my black hole

Why am I waiting for the tidewater
something is wrong, I don't know why

Then I suddenly knew . . .

There is a war going on
between magicians

and it's all about
an unborn child

The black and the white side
the evil and the good

The war has been going on
for so long time

Moonchild, the ultimate power
to heal our suffer

- Is the world going to end?
No one knows for sure

but the time is running
and we can't stop it

and it's all about  . . .

on which side we
belonging and becoming

Are we good or evil?
The answer is blowing in the wind

But still . . .
there is a war going on!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1032 times
Written on 2007-02-09 at 00:40

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
Intriguing poem. Very provocotive. It conjures up all kinds of imagery in my mind. It leaves me wanting more. I love the photo. Great write.