The photo is created by Viviane Frost

The Dolphins Song

Blue Blue Heavenly Ocean
the song from the Dolphins
never going to end
until the end of days
they singing their praise
to Mother Earth's grace

Oh my gracious Dolphin
thank you for your courage
to never give up the song
and you belong to me
always singing, living free
says Mother Earth to the Dolphin's

And the Dolphin's sings
louder than ever
their hymn to life
the song for the world
that will never stop
a wonderful praise

to Mother Earth

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 2744 times
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Written on 2007-02-10 at 00:11

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A great tribute to a beautiful creature. Loved it.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
A wonderful poem, it makes me want to be a Dolphin. Actually if I could be something other than a human, I think I would like to live in the sea. There's something free and wild and mysterious about the great oceans and I wish I could go down into them and just look around.

Amanda K
it's sweet 2 write for a Dolphine. very sensitive and kool.

I love both the photo and your poem so much!!!
Wonderful words, just like the dolphin's song, my friend!


Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh!I really adore the photo!I was staring it for some minutes!and what a great song! Shhhh.... Listen!*whisper*the dolphins are singing. . .