Love is in the air...

Know that it is Love (Valentine Special)

When the heart stops then races,
When something clutches the heart,
When blood rushes through the veins
fast and colours your countenance hot,
When the heart takes a flight, elated is your mood,
When you are in seventh heaven, feet in the clouds
When the world comes alive, for no reason at all...

Know that it is love.

When you want to give and sacrifice,
When you want die in his arms
When you want to stand up for his cause,
When you want to be with him
every minute of the twenty-four hours
When every minute of waiting stretches to an eternity...
When a moment of ecstasy's etched eternally in your heart.

Know that it is love.

When your heart's shattered to pieces,
Your world comes crumbling down,
When the breath chokes in your throat,
When the walls of your existence
Come crashing down in a trice.
When you feel you are sinking
into a pit-less abyss dark...

Know that it was love...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Calligraphy:' My love is a fever, longing still' from Shakespeare's Sonnet by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1228 times
Written on 2007-02-14 at 04:39

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your words always have a way of passing the heart and piercing the soul, deep and true cause you write with wisdom(experience)
love your work
hugs Nature

Brillient zoya...i really like ur poem...
its good work...keep it up.

Brielle Guesstell
Excellent! You decribed love and the loss of it perfectly!
Great write!

betsy Firefly
A powerful love poem. As love is.

Kathy Lockhart
Zoya this beautiful and written from your heart which is a wonderful place to come from. IT is bookmarked.
2007-02-15 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
hey yeah, this describes it very well... all stages in love came through clearly for me in this... beautifully described... :) *hug* xx

Christian Lanciai
Thank you for this magnificent poem. Love, Chris.

What more can be said? I can only sigh: oh yes, it's true!

Simply beautiful!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
this is a beautiful sonnet sweetheart and so gently like you nice to see you back here writing so prolifically

welcome here again michael

beautiful beyond words, dear zoya!!! yes, that IS love, in its purest form...
Lilly xxx

This is pretty much what happens and you made it in to a list that I used to check .... and all fits... so now I know...

A lovely and witty Valentine poem that could be used befroe sending a Valentine card ... :) so hey check for these syptoms before sending a card .............!!!!!!!!!

love, ((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))

Rob Graber
Far above sugary hearts and flowers,
Zoya's "Valentine Special" TOWERS!