if you read my 'pretty words wont save you now', this is my apology to my friend for writing it

I'm gonna set things right

I'm gonna set things right
gonna shift the blame
go back to how things were
yes I know it's not the same

the guilt is pressing down,
with this pain i can hardly breath
I dont blame you if you hate me
I dont blame you if you want to leave

if I were you I would,
I've done it times before
I try and end the pain
but only end up bringing more

I write things without thinking
not anticipating the hurt that follows
I'll feel so good today
but regret it come tomorrow

so please accept my forgiveness
i dont mean the things I say
I still love you with all my heart
and that's how it's gonna stay

Poetry by dre
Read 1145 times
Written on 2007-02-16 at 01:16

Tags Sorry  Hurt 

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