Sometimes when all we seem to get is used by men & we cannot find that special person & we just want to feel wanted..we can result to drastic measures..I have not but this is my thoughts on what it could be like..thanks for reading..Chris

"Loneliness sold her Soul"

She realised her true worth
as she sold her body for a pittance.
No one had wanted her love
not truly even at her own admittance.
She became a piece of meat
that she sold for just a few pounds
as she let men take her soul
sickened by their revolting sounds.
After each session was done
her body she had scrubbed til sore
Each time she had resolved
that she would sell her soul no more.
The money meant nothing
she stashed it in a tin under the bed.
Her mind and body used
becoming what some of her had said.
She just wanted to be free
no more grubby hands her to touch.
Wanting to be loved
all her life that she wanted so much.
Pushed away and cheated
by shallow men it had taken its toll.
As she lay not a word said
a cigarette he sat there and did roll.
The loneliness it hurt so bad
but now this is how she filled her time.
Who would understand
without they were reading this rhyme.
She needed now to escape
but she was just not sure to where
Washing down the tablets
with whiskey no more did she care.
Which one would it be
who found her laying as cold as ice.
Whichever man it was
he would run not look at her twice.
So another tale of woe
one life treated like a piece of trash
Sorry love cant stop
to my dear wife I really must dash.

©Chris 11 Feb (49)

Poetry by Poetic-Rose
Read 744 times
Written on 2007-02-18 at 21:40

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Hi Night Soul woman..

Thank you for the welcome and for you're comments to my poem..they are much appreciated..
I must however let you know that I am however a woman..43 female .uk..and as yet have not had time to get round the site..
True that love and sex are very often classed as the same thing to which they are NOT..and in this life it is hard to find love as in the real sense of the word due to the way society is today and how people are brought up and how they see the word love through their own eyes..

again thank you for taking the time to read & comment..Christina/Poetic-rose

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome to poetbay :) A dramatic tale indeed!and although you are a guy you managed to get in to the persona of a woman, a fallen angel. . .a prostitute. . . Once again we(the readers) learn after reading this piece what can happen if someone abuses the gift of love - sex :) Thank you for this thought provoking piece :)