Self has a great potential, only if we choose to explore- sometimes we surprise our own selves with what we are capable of achieving...

Journey of Self

On a journey of self-exploration,
I am the traveller; I am the destination

Others seek advise with the wise
I am absorbed in self-contemplation

Stars shine bright; it is their plight,
One shines brightest in the constellation

The whole world drives ahead and strives
Only one's endeavour reaches its culmination

There are mysteries galore to explore,
My own potential holds for me a fascination

Others may write with aplomb and élan
My poesy require a lot of imagination.

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

A Ghazal, inspired by famous Urdu poet Iqbal's couplet:
"Dhoondta phirta hoon aiy Iqbal apne aap ko
Aap hi goya musafir, aap hi manzil hoon main"

Calligraphy of the above couplet of Iqbal in Urdu by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1091 times
Written on 2007-02-22 at 13:15

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Craig Frazer
So true, our lives here are for the purpose of finding self realisation and looking within is the key to the journey, a poem well written

I thought this poem was excellent :) its shows real character and passion, and of course, tells the tale of a "journey of self-exploration". I hope your journey ends up where you want it to,

Love Gemma


Zoya Zaidi
Dear individuality,
Well we do keep discovering for self all the time and yes, even reinventing ourselves very often, the process is dynamic and always on going, that is the beauty of search for self. But, introspect we must always or we can become complacent and stagnate...
Thanks for the nice response...
Love, Zoya
2007-02-23 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
yeah i can apply that to one big change i've made in my life which surprised the hell out of me, really, 'cause it was a hard one... but i did it... so very true your words :) a very nice poem on the journey it is to be alive, really :) ... *hugs* xx

a good piece here though - ones endavour - one's endeavour. i suppose that journey we are all on, to find the self, we find ourselves and lose ourselves often, once we realise who we are we tend to change into something more or less and so a journey of rediscovery is needed :)

This is so captivating!! Once again Well done Zoya. You achieved full marks for this one!!

Great work

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
And Zoya you return to the bay once more with a gem of a poem this is so true to thine own self be true

for you can lie to any one you choose but never ever to oneself you are your own master or mistress

and you have expressed those sentiments with style and grace well done

dear lady so fair of face rgds Michael