Happiness is the most pursued & sought after, most elusive & slippery, most momentary & fleeting, and most loved & coveted of all feelings; and yet every one has his or her own perception of happiness...I think, happiness is an art!

Art of Happiness

("Whatever the soul longs for, will be attained by the spirit" Kahlil Gibran)

They say:
Happiness is caring
Happiness is sharing
Happiness has a twin sister joy1

Happiness is a fire that keeps life aglow
Our purpose warm, our intelligence aflow2
Happiness is a desire that evenly grows3

Happiness is a net of love, in which we catch souls4
Happiness, when the mind is pure,
Follows like a shadow, and never leaves our shores5

Happiness is freedom to do what gives you joy6
Happiness is to be seized, and had here and now
Long drawn preparations prove a killjoy7...

I think:
Happiness is an art!
You have to learn to draw it out of life
Every inch and stroke of it
Steal it from those fleeting moments
And colour your life with it:

The colour of your heart's blood
The shadow of your smile
The hues of your suffering
To weave a fabric fine,

The fragrance of your love
Intensity of your passion
The flavour of compassion
To make a heady wine,

The fire of your longing
The sense of belonging
That keeps you from crumbling
A melodious spirit Divine...

But, keep a little tear
Just behind your eyes
To light up the darkness
Of sad and wretched lives
'Cause there is no greater pleasure
Than giving joy to another8...

Happiness is not a thing, given us
Happiness is within us9...

Happiness is an art
Happiness is strive
Happiness is a mystery, not to be rationalized10...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Calligraphy of Ghalib's Urdu couplet 'thousands are my desires by and
©: Zoya Zaidi

From: Lord Byron1, Helen Keller2, Mine3, Mother Teresa4, Gautham Buddha5, EB White6, Jane Austen7, My own poem8, Richard Wagner9, GK Chesterton10

Note: Invite all my friends to give his or her perception of happiness in nutshell in a couple of lines in verse...
Let's play the game of Happiness!

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1937 times
Written on 2005-10-29 at 13:11

Tags Happiness 

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Happiness is there in the dream of happiness
Happiness is there in the thought of happiness
Happiness is there only in the way of happiness....

I feel so.

The poem reveals the truth that HAPPINESS IS, WHEN THE MIND IS PURE.
And, sure, one needs to steal happiness from the fleeting moments, otherwise, TIME steals it.

The complexion of the poem changes with the lines
``Cause there is no greater pleasure
Than giving joy to another8...''

because it changes from getting happiness to giving happiness.

Finally the poem arrives at the final truth, that HAPPINESS IS WITHIN US.

Amanda K
I think that happiness is a combination of all that but wut i liked most when u likended it to art that we do make. A great poem that brought happiness 2 my heart.

Lots of love,

What an inspirational piece!!

Happiness is an unexpected kindness, as simple as a compliment on how the house looks so nice...
Happiness is a warm kiss on a cold night
Happiness is knowing you are loved

Great description of this what happiness can be and when and where we can find it, great bright words to all of us just to remember what is worth to fight for and how to live to bring a joy to us and someone else, great job!

Zoya Zaidi
Thanks a pile!
Black Knight!
I believe in one GOD!
Gosh! William Blake is my favourite too : His standing up for poor and down trodden, his wisdom, bordering to spiritualism...
Should have got something from him- wait, I've got it:

"Where Mercy, Love & Pity dwell
Their God is dwelling too!"

That would have been a beffiting finale form his
'The Divine Image'
Thanks, for bringing back Blake to me!

Black Knight
Beautiful poem. From very talented author.

"...and yet every one has his or her own perception of happiness" - below these words I am ready to sign.
Your happiness is an art. My happiness is opportunity to be myself.
With all my merits and demerits.
And it's my today's happiness. What it will be tomorrow? I would want to know...

I do not know, in what God you believe, but let he'll bless you.
Be happy.

I believe in nothing,
And it's my biggest sin.
I play the game of Happiness,
I think - I'll never win.

P.S. (By the way, I love and Byron, and Chesterton too. But my favourite English poet is William Blake. Do you like him?)

You never seem to impress me enough! Your writing is an art! Lovely!

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i agree with you... happiness is definitely an art... you seem to have mastered it though going by this lovely poem... my take on happiness... every little thing counts and taking the time to realize those little moments is the way to happiness, in my opinion... nature, loving-friends, being selfless and giving, arts in all its forms are what bring me the most happiness in this life... your poem is very uplifting and procures happiness... i do think others can bring it to us with their positive spirit... but the main responsibility is ours within, i believe that... wonderfully expressive... a smile in heart is its effect on me... thanks for sharing :f

later... xx

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
oh that is just like me isnt it... im so sorry... this comment goes to your previous post "Children of Lesser God - Bonded Labourers", i was sure id clicked the right one... ill post it in its respective place and be back for this one in a minute... again sorry *hug* xx

F.i.in.e Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
this one is extremely difficult for me... as it should be for everyone... minds motivated by greed... minds putting more value on fortune than life... heartless souls killing innocent hearts... it breaks me apart... i have seen a documentary of this situation in India, the children weaving carpets... babies forced to sit on a little wooden bench, 12-14hrs a day, cutting their small fingers, enduring the cramped up, poorly lit, poorly ventilated space... just weaving away their childhood only for the sake of making westerners and other people of the world (not opening their eyes to the reality of these atrocities) happy about the decor of their homes! it sickens me beyond any words... i think as conscious people and responsible consumers, we should take into account these realities and hinder the demand by not buying these things that we all know are made from the hands of abused children... if we dont buy then there isnt any demand and if there isnt any demand, then they go out of business... it may be a utopic concept that i have in mind but it could be a way to begin somewhere... i dont know if im right in my assumptions that im helping these children by not buying the products that im aware are results of child labor/abuse... i hope i am... but in my mind and heart, im believing consumers can make a big difference, more than they think... if we stick together and are firm in our choices, im believing these maniacs will have no choice to fold and give up their ideas of making money on the backs of innocent lives... heart and tears for all of these children, may this madness find an end... thanks for sharing zoya... i walk along your sensitivity and i support your hopes wholeheartedly as they reflect my own *hug* xx

Great poem, great idea, Zoya! I'll post my happiness-in-a-nutshell-text right away!

Happiness is reading poems like this that go from strength to strength, great stuff zoya.

fantastic words of wisdom,I loved it so I thank you for the good read...

John Ashleigh
OMG Zoya! This amazing, and guess what I can say now? -- Happiness, I think, is you. You make me feel warm when writing, whether nor not it is pointed in my direction!

I love it, and I am going to fav this one. Good work, deffinetly keep it up!