Alone At The Beach

The beach is not the same
Sunsets we used to watch are not as beautiful
The reds and golds are now shade of grey
Ever moving toward black
Their fire turns to ice before me
Sounds of the waves
Rhythm to our songs
Blend into nothingness
Eventually fading into nothing
Birds no longer fly above
The sky is empty and dead
Other people laugh and kiss
I watch them as we often did
We joked
Wondering if they were talking about us
My hand reaches out for you
Where your hand always was
Hand prints we left on so many nights
Gone in the cool summer breeze
There is nothing left but sand
A thousand memories
And my tears

Poetry by Rob Taylor
Read 1343 times
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Written on 2007-02-23 at 04:30

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i felt like crying while reading this poem
its very sad but beautiful

This is so sad and melancholy... how beautiful.

picture says the setting without words -words add the emotion to make the pic meaningful

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
A bittesweet memory to treasure and to hold in your heart forever Rob :) Thanks for sharing this majestic story with us. . .*applause*

betsy Firefly
A very sad poem, Rob - beautiful, nonetheless.