just wrote while thinking of life and rain...

The Rain~

Everything I care about
Has happened in the rain
Things that brought me so much joy
And things that just brought pain.

The first day I saw you on the playground
On the first day of school
The sky opened and let out the rain
So calm, crisp, and cool.

Our senior prom, remember that?
The weatherman said it would snow
But instead it gently sprinkled rain
And that moment is what made me know.

After the prom we drove down to a spot
You knew so well in the woods
Our first night of romance was that night
While the rain tapped on the hood.

Even the day you proposed I still see
It so clear and the image I still find
You got down on one knee as the rain started to pour
And you knew the answer by reading my mind.

Even the day I gave birth to our baby
The rain had to keep us here at home
I had her here instead of the hospital
She was born in our house here in Rome.

And now the day has actually come
I am standing here in the rain
Watching paramedics carry away
Your body, leaving me so much pain.

I am talking to this stone
The rain is pouring down
Your name is now engraved
I can't believe you'd drown.

You saved our baby
But risked your life
In the rain
I'm a saddened wife.

Poetry by Kristina
Read 636 times
Written on 2007-02-27 at 20:59

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