I couldn't make the horse drink the water.

There are no winners

Control, something we never had,
It's just a good thing to say,
To make us feel good,
To make us feel safe,
Devoted are we to this conviction,

But I see the trembling of the truth,
The whistles of the lie,
And finally, remnants of an old game,
Played way too much,
Covering what we see so seldom,

I don't understand the belief,
You might have to explain it to me sometime,
But today, like any other, you were not the innocent one,
None of us were and that's why we are here,
Because we couldn't handle this ourselves,
We put the fate of the problem to conflicting eyes,

Words said, tears shed,
We all live in fruit of our successes,
Our promises and our regrets,
Nothing prepares you for a judgment,
Nothing prepares you for the inevitable,
All you can do is react to that,
Which you have watched for so long and so painfully,

A fool chatters as the wise man listens,
It has been said so long ago,
In this, I have no advice to sell,
I don't even know if I would be able to sleep tonight,
Eaten up by guilt,
Taken by loss,
The belief of control,
When the truth of it is,
Silence is the only control you have,

One day, I hope and pray that you can understand,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1130 times
Written on 2007-02-28 at 04:04

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Amanda K
vaious messages beneath and many lessons to observe.thanks 4sharing it dear

Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 4
Overall: 4

for some, even a drink of water is hard to accept....we can only hope they will grow thirst some day.
great write bri